Content optimization to increase the visibility of academic studies conducted

Requested by:

A rhinoplasty surgeon.


Making his/her academic publications and studies more visible on digital platforms.

The benefit wanted to be revealed:

Reflecting the content of his/her works on search engines and social media websites and providing benefits to the readers in this context.

Search for the solution:

She/he told her/his social circle to follow and like posts, she/he shared on his/her social media accounts, but it was not a successful process. Reached Altahonos on social media. He/she applied.

  • Keywords were determined with technical analysis.
  • The communication strategy was determined.
  • Social media accounts were optimized.
  • Visual and content production works were carried out.
  • A personal blog website was created by compiling all the seminars she/he has given and books she/he has written.
  • Social media pages and Google My Business account were opened for him/her, and the necessary optimization was made.
  • The visibility of the determined links on search engines and social media was increased.
  • Detailed solution and outcome reporting was made.

Note: Our writings and other personal data are kept confidential in accordance with our privacy policy for all case reports.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

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